Spectacular Real Lemon Lemonade

(Grain-Free, Gluten-Free & Dairy Free with Keto & Low-Carb Option)

With Just 3 Ingredients!

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On a hot summer day, there’s nothing like drinking an ice cold glass of lemonade.  Just thinking about it brings back fond memories of my childhood. However, when I switched to a ketogenic diet, I thought my days of drinking lemonade were over.

Most store bought lemonade is full of sugar and preservatives.  It often has a strange artificial taste and tastes more of sugar than lemons.  I used to make my own lemonade using real lemon juice and organic cane sugar. But even that recipe wouldn’t due on a ketogenic diet.

Many of you may be familiar with the ketogenic diet.  If you aren’t, I will give you a quick run-down. When we eat or drink items that are high in refined carbohydrates or sugars that do not include fiber, it causes our insulin to spike in order to keep your blood sugar at normal levels.  This can cause many health problems.  

Not only do regularly high insulin levels cause insulin resistance and type II diabetes, but it can also increase your risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack, stroke, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. 

Although some carbohydrates are fuel for the body, fat is a better source of fuel for the body.  Therefore, those on a ketogenic diet eat primarily foods containing fat and some protein. Very little carbohydrates and sugars are consumed.  

In order to still have my lemonade and drink it, too, I had to find an alternative to sugar to sweeten my lemon juice.  Although I would not recommend using sugar alternatives often, everyone needs a little sweetness in their lives sometime, right?  

I tried a few sugar alternative sweeteners, such as Xylitol, Stevia, and Erythritol.  These are all sugar alcohols that do not cause a spike in insulin. However, none of these sweeteners alone tasted as good as the good old fashioned sugar version.  They all left an aftertaste that didn’t agree with me or left me with stomach pains.          

I finally tried a Monk Fruit/Erythritol mix and it was spot on!  I really like this mix, because it doesn’t leave an aftertaste or upset my stomach.  It can be used in a 1:1 ratio for sugar. And even my kids love it (which is my true test of whether it’s good or not).  

My new lemonade recipe is only 3 ingredients!  All you need is:

That’s it!

Of course, you could make your kids squeeze fresh lemon juice from lemons if you want.  LOL! My kids love to do this. It’s a great Montessori work that provides kids with hand-eye coordination, among other lessons.  But they love learning how real lemons can turn into lemonade. You can give them a good old fashioned lemon squeezer or a modern one to use.

Whether you use fresh squeezed lemon juice or bottled lemon juice, it will taste delicious.  Just make sure the juice is organic, non-GMO and free of pesticides to get the best quality lemonade you can get.  And try to store your lemonade in a glass pitcher, so you don’t have toxic chemicals leaching into your nutritious and delicious lemonade.  

For more information on what to do with your lemons after you’ve squeezed your fresh lemon juice, see my article on “What do you do with all of those lemons?”  And have a happy, lemony sweet day!

Spectacular Real Lemon Lemonade (Keto, Low-Carb, Grain-Free, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free)

This lemonade is made with real lemon juice. It is not too sweet and not too bitter. It's just right on a hot summer day! Enjoy!
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Servings 8 Cups


  • 2 Quart Glass Pitcher
  • Mixing Spoon
  • Measuring Cups



  • Add all ingredients in pitcher. Stir well. Serve over ice.


Note:  Alternatively, you can use 1/2 cup of Honey,raw & unfiltered, in place of the 3/4 cup of monk fruit sweetener, for a non-keto, low-carb beverage.    
Also, if ingredients are not combining well, when stirred with a spoon, you can use an immersion blender.  

How do you make your lemonade?  Please share below.

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